Density - program online for pure compound


           For liquids


            to obtain the density of a liquid the following formula is used:



            Where             ρliq is the density of the pure liquid (gr/cm3)

                                    A and B are constant that they depend on the compound.

                                    Tr is the reduced temperature.


           For the Gases


             to obtain the density of a gas the following formula is used:


            Where             ρgas is the density of the gas (gr/cm3)

                                    P is the total pressure (Atm)

                                    M is the molecular weight (gr).

                                    z is the factor of compressibility of the gas.

                                    T is the temperature of the gas (°K)

                                    R is the constant of the gas = 0.082


            For the Mixture


             to obtain the density average of the mixture the following formula is used



            Where            ρM is the density average of the mixture (gr/cm3)

                                    ρ is the density of the component i (gr/cm3)

                                    V is the volume that occupies according to its fraction molar (cm3)

Special case in density of hydrocarbons

Viscosity - program online for pure compound


;            For the liquids


             to obtain the viscosity of a liquid the following formula is used:


            Where             μliq is the viscosity of the liquid (kg/m*s)

                                    A, B, C and D are constant that it depends on the compound

                                    T is the temperature (°K)


            For the gases


             to obtain the viscosity of a gas the following formula is used:


            Where             μgas is the viscosity of the gas (kg/m*s)

                                    A, B and C are constant that it depends on the compound

                                    T is the temperature (°K)


            For the Mixture


             to obtain the viscosity of the mixture the following formula is used


            Where             μmixture is the viscosity of the mixture (kg/m*s)

                                    μi is the viscosity of each compound (kg/m*s)

                                    xi is the fraction molar of the mixture


Caloric capacity


            For the liquids


            to obtain the caloric capacity of a liquid the following formula is used:


            Where             Cp-liq is the caloric capacity of a pure liquid (cal/mol-°K).

                                     A, B and C are constant that they depend on the compound

                                    T is the temperature to which is the liquid. (°K)

                                    M is the molecular weight of the compound (gr).


            For the gases


            to obtain the caloric capacity of a gas the following formula is used:



            Where             Cp-gas is the caloric capacity of a gas (cal/mol-°K).

                                    A, B, C and D are constant that they depend on the compound

                                    T is the temperature. (°K)


            For the mixture


            to obtain the caloric capacity the mixture the following formula is used:




            Where             CpM is the caloric capacity of the mixture (cal/mol°K)

                                    Cpi is the caloric capacity of the component i (cal/mol°K).

                                    xi is the fraction molar of the component i


Thermal Conductivity


            For the liquids


            to obtain the thermal conductivity of a liquid the following formula is used:


            Where             kliq is the thermal conductivity of the pure liquid (w/m°K)

                                    A, B, C is constant that they depend on the liquid

                                    T is the temperature (°K)


            For the gases


             to obtain the thermal conductivity of a gas the following formula is used:


            Where             kgas is the thermal conductivity of the gas (w/m°K)

                                    A, B, C is constant that it depends on the gas.

                                    T is the temperature (°K)


            For the mixture


             to obtain the thermal conductivity of the mixture the following formula is used:



            Where             km is the thermal conductivity of the mixture (w/m°K)

                                    ki is the thermal conductivity of the component i

                                    xi is the fraction molar of the component i.


Latent heat of Vaporization


            For a pure compound


            to obtain the latent heat of vaporization the following formula is used:




            Where             ΔHvap is the latent heat of vaporization (kj/mol)

                                    A, α, β is constant that it depends on the compound

                                    Tr is the reduced temperature




            For the liquids


             to obtain the genitalia of a liquid the following formula is used:




            Where             ΔHliq is the enthalpy of the liquid (cal/mol)

                                    Cp-liq is the caloric capacity of the liquid (cal/mol°K)

                                    T is the temperature of the liquid (°K)


            For the gases


             to obtain the enthalpy of a gas the following formula is used:


            Where             ΔHgas is the enthalpy of the gas (cal/mol)

                                    Cp-gas is the caloric capacity of the gas (cal/mol°K)

                                    ΔHvap is the latent heat of vaporization (kj/mol)

                                    Cp-liq is the caloric capacity of the liquid (cal/mol°K)

                                    T is the temperature of the liquid (°K)

                                    Teb is the temperature of boil to a given pressure.

Factor ki - program online for pure compound


            to obtain the factor ki of each compound is used their properties you criticize and value asentric:



           Where              Pr is the reduced pressure

                                   Tr is the reduced temperature

                                   ω is the factor asentric


Factor Z - program online for pure compound


           Where             z is the factor of compressibility.

                                  T is the temperature(°R)

                                  P is the pressure (psi) (P <5000 psi)

                                  Sg is the specifies gravity. (0.5 - 0.8)

                                  F1 = P(0.251*Sg-0.15)-0.202*Sg+1.106












Temperature of boil - program online for pure compound


           to calculate the temperature of boil of a mixture the following equality should be completed:


           Where             ki is the balance coefficient to a pressure and given temperature.

                                   xi is the fraction molar of the compound i.



Condensation temperature - program online for pure compound


           to calculate the temperature of condensation of a mixture the following equality should be completed:



           Where             ki is the balance coefficient to a pressure and given temperature.

                                  xi is the fraction molar of the compound i.

Chart for the conductivity thermal of the gas

Formula Compound A B C TMIN TMAX
N2 Nitrogen 0.00283 8.125E-05 -0.00000002
CO2 Dioxide Carbon -0.012 0.00010208 -0.000000022403 195 1500
H2S Sulfur hydrogen
H2O Water 0.00193 4.52E-05 0.00000005
C1 Methane -0.00935 0.00014028 0.00000003318 97 1400
C2 Ethane -0.01936 0.00012547 0.00000003829 225 825
C3 Propane -0.00869 6.6409E-05 0.00000007876 233 773
i-C4 i-Butane -0.00115 1.4943E-05 0.00000014921 261 673
n-C4 n-Butane -0.00182 1.9396E-05 0.00000013818 225 675
i-C5 i-Pentane -0.00389 3.1816E-05 1.0396E-07 250 475
n-C5 n-Pentane 0.00137 1.8081E-05 1.2136E-07 225 480
C6 n-Hexane -0.002 7.779E-06 1.3824E-07 290 480
C7 n-Heptane -0.00172 1.6565E-05 1.0525E-07 250 750
C8 n-Octane -0.00213 1.8456E-05 9.4775E-08 300 800
C9 n-Nonane -0.00655 3.2637E-05 7.715E-08 449 678
C10 n-Decane -0.00113 8.109E-06 9.6092E-08 470 700
C11 n-Undecane 0.01364 -4.8303E-05 1.4396E-07 470 800
C12 n-Dozedecane -0.00812 2.915E-05 7.2085E-08 489 1000
C2H4O2 Acid acetic 0.00234 -6.5956E-06 1.1569E-07 295 687
C2H2 Acetylene -0.00358 6.2542E-05 7.0646E-08 200 600
C3H6O Acetone -0.00084 8.7475E-06 1.0678E-07 273 572
NH3 Ammoniac
CO Monoxide Carbon 0.00158 8.2511E-05 -1.9081E-08 70 1250
CH2CH2 Ethylene -0.00123 3.6219E-05 1.2459E-07 150 750
O2 Oxygen 0.00181 8.575E-05 -2E-08
C4H8 i-Butylene -0.00327 3.0146E-05 1.2529E-07 250 850
C3H6 Propylene -0.01116 7.5155E-05 6.5558E-08 250 1000
CH3OH Methanol 0.00234 5.434E-06 1.3154E-07 273 684
C2H5OH Ethanol -0.00556 4.362E-05 8.5033E-08 351 991
C6H6 Benzene -0.00565 3.4493E-05 6.9298E-08 325 700
neo-C5 neo-Pentane 0.00071 -8.1028E-06 1.8759E-07 270 425


Chart for the conductivity thermal of the liquid


Formula Compound A B C TMIN TMAX
N2 Nitrogen
CO2 Dioxide Carbon -1.3679 0.8092 304.19 217 289
H2S Sulfur hydrogen
H2O Water -0.27070528 0.00456253 -0.00000546
C1 Methane -1.0976 0.5387 190.58 91 181
C2 Ethane -1.3474 0.7003 305.42 90 290
C3 Propane -1.2127 0.6611 369.82 85 351
i-C4 i-Butane -1.6862 0.9802 408.14 114 388
n-C4 n-Butane -1.8929 1.2885 425.18 135 404
i-C5 i-Pentane -1.6824 0.9955 460.43 113 437
n-C5 n-Pentane -1.2287 0.5322 469.65 143 446
C6 n-Hexane -1.8389 1.186 507.43 178 482
C7 n-Heptane -1.8482 1.1843 540.26 183 513
C8 n-Octane -1.8388 1.1699 568.83 216 540
C9 n-Nonane -1.7865 1.1033 595.65 220 566
C10 n-Decane -1.7768 1.0839 618.45 243 588
C11 n-Undecane -1.6318 0.9325 638.76 248 607
C12 n-Dozedecane -1.7989 1.1109 658.2 264 625
C2H4O2 Acid acetic -1.2836 0.5893 592.71 290 563
C2H2 Acetylene
C3H6O Acetone -1.3857 0.7643 508.2 178 483
NH3 Ammoniac
CO Monoxide Carbon -1.7115 1.1359 132.92 68 126
CH2CH2 Ethylene -1.3314 0.8527 282.26 104 268
O2 Oxygen
C4H8 i-Butylene -1.49020 0.8491 417.90 133 397
C3H6 Propylene -1.43760 0.7718 364.76 88 347
CH3OH Methanol -1.1793 0.6191 512.58 175 487
C2H5OH Ethanol -1.3172 0.6987 516.25 159 490
C6H6 Benzene -1.6846 1.052 562.16 279 534
neo-C5 neo-Pentane -1.7534 1.0306 433.78 257 412